Discover, launch & grow a sustainable business that feels good to you and your clientele

Heart-based business guidance for creative entrepreneurs (and aspiring biz owners)

Are you a kind, creative human who needs to create, (re-)start and/or build your business?

If you’re looking for guidance on becoming an entrepreneur in the first place…

Or you need to figure out how to make your existing business work better for you and your ideal client…

Or the advice you’ve gotten doesn’t seem applicable for a multi-passionate creative person like you…

Or everything you think you need to do to market your business leaves you feeling icky…

Or you’re just frustrated with doing this β€œonline business thing” in a vacuum…

…Hello Business is here for you*.

*compromising on your values and ethics not needed

You’re in the right place if you value…

😍 15 years of experience (and counting).

😍 People over profits.

😍 Honesty & transparency.

😍 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI).

😍 Step-by-step, proven guidance.

😍 A likeminded community of creative, smart, and kind (aspiring) entrepreneurs.

😍 Not being told it’s all about β€œmindset.”

You’re in the wrong place if you’re seeking…

#Girlboss talk. πŸ‘Ž

Bro marketing tactics. πŸ‘Ž

6-figures-in-6-minutes bullhonkey. πŸ‘Ž

Someone who encourages hustle culture. πŸ‘Ž

Magic bullets. πŸ‘Ž

Manipulative sales techniques. πŸ‘Ž

Shame or guilt around not working hard enough or quitting your job early enough. πŸ‘Ž

Still here? Yay!


Check out these free trainings, workshops & more - they’re light on the wallet & heavy on the value!

Whether you want to discover, (re-)launch or grow your sustainable biz, Hello Business has a program for you!

It’s the shop your (aspiring) creative entrepreneurial heart has always wanted - planners, mugs, totes & more!




A business coachsultant (yup, I made that word up & I’m sticking with it) and founder of Hello Business, I’ve guided wonderful creatives (like you!) to bridge the gap between an unfulfilling career and their aligned business since 2008.

It’s allowed me to quit my soul-sucking day job, become the breadwinner of my family, buy our dream home, and build a β€œpinch me!” business that I’m honored and grateful to run 15 years later.

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WHERE DO YOU MOST NEED HELP? (Yup, the answer can be β€œπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈβ€¦β€)

Let me know what you need help with and I’ll be in your inbox on the regular with just that. And don’t worry - your info will never be sold and you can unsubscribe anytime.